Friday, November 11, 2016

Trump Added to Hall of Presidents

Disney appears to be helping the United States with the smooth and peaceful president transition that current President Barrack Obama desperately wants and this country desperately needs. Although many are angry and fearful about the new president-elect, Donald Trump, it will be important to maintain unity as a country to overcome whatever obstacles present themselves, rather than let them tear us apart. Disney is treating this president-elect like any other, closing to renovate the Hall of Presidents and add him to the attraction. I mean, had they delayed adding him, then this could have threatened the peaceful transition. The thought of Donald Trump in the Hall of Presidents is saddening to many (as shown in this article), as currently there has not been much positive to say about his views and campaign to become president. However, there is always hope that he will change his demeanor now that the campaign is over. Disney is displaying its American support by helping with this smooth transition; however, one has to wonder what they will display for Donald Trump that is "child-friendly" and positive.

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