Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Disney's Polar Effect

I just had an epiphany. Recently, someone asked me how Disney has shaped or affected my beliefs. As someone who did not particularly watch many Disney movies growing up, my first reaction was that there was no possible way that Disney could have had any role in shaping my beliefs. After all, I failed to experience the magical and wild journeys where the heroes always end up in a sticky situation and have to learn a valuable life lesson to make sure that they triumph over their enemies. However, according to the plethora of people who hate Disney, I was also not subjected to the numerous subliminal messages that Disney uses to brainwash children. This surely means that Disney could not have shaped my personal at all, right? Wrong. In today’s society, Disney is such an influential company that I believe it is impossible for Disney to have to impact on your own morals. Whether someone has been immersed in the world of Disney movies or not, Disney and its influence are everywhere. Every time I go to the store, I see Disney themed foods, toys, and costumes. References to Disney movies can be found everywhere, from the internet to magazines. My high school chemistry teacher even called water molecules “Mickey Mouse Molecules” because the polar nature of the bond causes the shape to look like Mickey Mouse’s head. Even though I did not watch many Disney films, I can assure you that it seemed like everyone around me was fascinated with them. Knowing that these people around me watched the movies and absorbed all of the messages they had to offer, I will assume Disney must have had a strong impact in their lives. Since the people around me have had great significance in my life and taught me valuable lessons, I truly believe that Disney has still shaped many of my opinions and mindsets; however, I could not be sure how without seeing the movies. Although I received the lessons secondhand rather than directly from the source, my mind had still been shaped by the Disney-influenced environment around me. To me, it seems like someone would have to literally live in a cave or under a rock throughout his or her entire life to remain isolated from the influence of Disney. 

Picture Credit: http://www.cemag.us/sites/cemag.us/files/legacyfiles/Assets/images/0307/art4fig1.gif

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